Sicily, as portrayed by Sandro Messina, appears as a universe itself, a reality that makes of its uniqueness the only possible clue, almost exalted and sublimated by being island, an inviolable and contemptuous fortress which turns its back on the world, yet tormented inside. A hollow pot to contain the most diverse stories and cultures and lives, as tearing conflicts for centuries past and for those to come. The places represented in the series Bridge return a kind of unresolved medley between the wild nature of the Strait of Messina’s surroundings and the signals more or less evident of the impending environmental disturbances, while Our Heritage highlights the contacts sometimes strident between the use of land and its extraordinary archaeological heritage. Yet, common to both projects, is a subtle sense of alienation that arises in the people who observes these places through their impeccable photographic representation, and in those who live and pass through them like person, as if the imposing Temple of Segesta or some neglected residential neighborhood attacked by the vegetation near Messina were individual finds of the same indefinite parallel dimension, not quite earthly, the one of the myths that are lost in time.

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